Comic Book Movies VS Other Media
I just don't understand what the fuss is all about with these comic book movies, especially the MCU. Are the characters likeable? Yes. Is the action cool? Yes. But for someone like me who enjoyed superhero flicks of the past, I desired more. I got more with hero flicks of the past. And I get more with the shows, cartoons and video games that I drench myself with on a regular basis. Haman's face there mirrors my mood with the modern culture that slobbers over these movies as if they're the Second Coming of Christ. The one media sensation that I can’t put my finger on right now is the sudden popularity of comic book movies. Back then, it was just a bunch of nerds like me who cared about them, now, it’s practically the new Star Wars, with a former friend of mine whom I had a falling out with calling Guardians of the Galaxy a better Star Wars than the actual one. Whether it be Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, or the Avengers as a whole, comic book movies have hit...